You see them almost everywhere – in shops, libraries, public transport – Kiosks – a specially configured machines that are build to serve usually one (or more) purpose.

So the basic idea is to have a computer that let’s users/customers to run a single application (like public transport ticketing, attendance, library system) or have access to a specific website (and subsites) only.

This can be of course achieved by installing single Windows OS machine, try to lock it down as much as you can by GPOs or other 3rd party software (because the machine will be public – so anyone can interact with it physically).
Here is where the Sitekiosk Client comes in. Instead of researching and investigation what is everything that you need to lock down (so the client won’t get infected, corrupted, used as keylogger or crypto coin farm) you can install this software on the client machine, configure whatever you want to use on the Kiosk machine and lock everything else quite simply with a few checkboxes in the UI!

Sitekiosk Client for Windows – Configuration Area

Here is a list of just a few features that can be tweaked:

  • Autologin (with local or domain account) and Autostart of you Sitekiok configuration
  • Chrome/MS Edge/IE browser with all kinds of restrictions available
  • Autostart Applications or allow users to run any selected Applications
  • Screensaver
  • Actions on user logout (clean temporary files, clean downloads, history)
  • Manage input/payment devices
  • Maintenance (patching, automatic restarts)
  • Access, Security and logging
  • Touch controls. on-screen keyboard
  • Remote administration and monitoring from cloud – SiteRemote portal

In reality, it usually works like this – you start the machine, it autologins to Windows and starts the Sitekiosk client, which loads your configuration. This locks-down everything, except what you specified – so only a few apps or browser is available on the “front-end” for user – which makes it great and quite easy solution for setting up and managing Kiosk devices!